Sunday 17 February 2008

Kids are kids the world over.

Josephat and Benta were playing in the compound the other day.

Benta was cleaning Josephat's wound (a small scratch on his hand) and declared that she was going to be a doctor when she grew up (she is 5 years old).

Josephat immediately decided that he was going to be a pilot - not when he is grown up, but when he gets home from school - Josephat is four!

He is going to get a plane and take all the orphanage children on a trip - after school!

He then ran around the compound, arms outstretched, flying his plane, as any little boy would.

Kids everywhere, no matter what their circumstances are , or which country they live in, have the same dreams.

These two little children with their dreams could have been from any First World country, rather than from an orphanage in a provincial town in rural Kenya.

Davis, who is 9, has shown that he has an engineering mind.

He has built a tipper truck from an old plastic container. This toy really tips the sand out of the back, just like the real thing!

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