Monday 6 October 2008


Read into this what you will, but David, from ACIS, who supported our children's home has decided to form a new non-profit organisation, Kenyan Community Initiative Support, with Vincent, the director of the home. This new organisation will be based in Kisii.

We have decided to merge Mercy Gate Champion Children's Home with KCIS and the home will be given a new name. The kids are the same, the people who run it are the same, but we will have a far stronger affiliation with KCIS, which will give far more official support to the home.

ACIS and Mercy Gate as organisations did very little for the home. Only David from ACIS really took any interest, so when he decided to form KCIS with us, it seemed like a better idea.

The directors of KCIS are also the owners of a small but growing business in Kisii, Kenanda-Steggall Exports, which will put money into KCIS and we hope that this will make KCIS less dependent on donations, which are becoming few and far between, which is not surprising, given the financial difficulties in the developed world.

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